Tennis Elbow pain
1. What is the real reason of the pain for tennis elbow?
The inflammatory, tearing and swelling for the tendon of the extensor muscle group at its insertion into the lateral epicondyle.
2. What are the common treatment methods in conventional medicine for tennis elbow?
Job modification
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Physiotheray -eccentric excesses
Steroids Injections
3. Why it can be difficult to treat tennis elbow?
Most of the common treatment methods used in conventional medicine only REDUCE the inflammation temporarily, so it reoccurs frequently.
4. How does traditional acupuncture treat tennis elbow?
Most acupuncturists use traditional acupuncture treatment method to treat tennis elbow by using very fine acupuncture needles insert into some acupuncture points around the elbow area, which can help some patients, but usually not very good result.
5. How many treatments are need to treat tennis elbow?
Everybody responses to acupuncture differently. But it usually takes 2-8 treatments, 5 treatments by average.
1. What is the real reason of the pain for tennis elbow?
The inflammatory, tearing and swelling for the tendon of the extensor muscle group at its insertion into the lateral epicondyle.
2. What are the common treatment methods in conventional medicine for tennis elbow?
Job modification
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Physiotheray -eccentric excesses
Steroids Injections
3. Why it can be difficult to treat tennis elbow?
Most of the common treatment methods used in conventional medicine only REDUCE the inflammation temporarily, so it reoccurs frequently.
4. How does traditional acupuncture treat tennis elbow?
Most acupuncturists use traditional acupuncture treatment method to treat tennis elbow by using very fine acupuncture needles insert into some acupuncture points around the elbow area, which can help some patients, but usually not very good result.
5. How many treatments are need to treat tennis elbow?
Everybody responses to acupuncture differently. But it usually takes 2-8 treatments, 5 treatments by average.