Acupuncture for Headache
Headache is very common. Millions of people suffer from headaches around the world. Most people have headaches for life, because they don’t know that there is a very high chance for their headache to be clinically cured if they see the right acupuncturists.
Why it is so hard to cure headaches?
Although there are many kinds of headache and there are many reasons that can cause headaches. But studies from China show that over 90% for headaches are due to soft tissue injury/disorders resulting in inflammation or/and adhesion of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and bursas on the back of the scalp, neck and upper back areas that pinch the nerve or irritate the nerve endings in those areas. One major reason for cause of headache will be the inflammation or/and adhesion on the attachment of some muscles on the scalp and the first two vertebras irritating the occipital nerve greater, occipital nerve lesser, or posterior auricular nerve.
Conventional medicine usually relies on imaging and lab tests for diagnosis. But headaches are due to soft tissue injury or disorders, and so for most headaches you can usually hardly find anything wrong based on imaging and lab tests. Even though, imaging test may discover bone spurs, or disc bulging or herniation of the cervical vertebras, but these usually are NOT the real reasons for headache.
The key to cure headache is to eliminate the inflammation/adhesions on those affect soft tissues. But this is not easy.
Most people with a headache would see MDs, physical therapists, sometimes they see chiropractors or massage therapists, and their headache is usually get better but will not be gone. This is because medications, cortisone injection, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustment, or massage can usually reduce the inflammation/adhesions of the muscles, but they usually do NOT eliminate them, and so the headache will come back again and again.
How regular acupuncture (traditional acupuncture) helps headache?
The regular acupuncture most acupuncturists practice is based on traditional acupuncture theories, such as Qi (Chi), meridians or channels and acupuncture points. Most people with headache usually respond well to traditional acupuncture, some of them can be cured. But many headaches still can NOT be cured with traditional acupuncture. This is because traditional acupuncture does not address the real the cause of the headache which is the inflammation or/and adhesion of the affected soft tissues. In other words, traditional acupuncture does not target the affected soft tissues and so you can easily miss the sites with problem and so the inflammation or/and adhesion may be eliminated and so headache may still come back.
How Acupuncture practitioners treat headaches differently than other medical practitioners including acupuncturists?
Most of our acupuncturists are specialized in soft tissue injures and disorders. We have developed very unique acupuncture plan/techniques to cure headache based on our long time experience and newest discovery from China.
We use target diagnose which we use our fingers to palpate to identify the injured or disordered soft tissues) and then we use unique acupuncture techniques to target those areas. These target treatments will stimulate body's healing process to reduce and eventually eliminate the inflammation or/and adhesion of the affected soft tissues and to heal those problem areas. Once those problem soft tissues are healed, then the headache can be clinically cured.
We have a very high success rate in curing headache. So if you have a chronic headache, you should schedule a free consultation with us, we will explain to you how we can help to possibly get rid of your headache in more detail.
Headache is very common. Millions of people suffer from headaches around the world. Most people have headaches for life, because they don’t know that there is a very high chance for their headache to be clinically cured if they see the right acupuncturists.
Why it is so hard to cure headaches?
Although there are many kinds of headache and there are many reasons that can cause headaches. But studies from China show that over 90% for headaches are due to soft tissue injury/disorders resulting in inflammation or/and adhesion of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and bursas on the back of the scalp, neck and upper back areas that pinch the nerve or irritate the nerve endings in those areas. One major reason for cause of headache will be the inflammation or/and adhesion on the attachment of some muscles on the scalp and the first two vertebras irritating the occipital nerve greater, occipital nerve lesser, or posterior auricular nerve.
Conventional medicine usually relies on imaging and lab tests for diagnosis. But headaches are due to soft tissue injury or disorders, and so for most headaches you can usually hardly find anything wrong based on imaging and lab tests. Even though, imaging test may discover bone spurs, or disc bulging or herniation of the cervical vertebras, but these usually are NOT the real reasons for headache.
The key to cure headache is to eliminate the inflammation/adhesions on those affect soft tissues. But this is not easy.
Most people with a headache would see MDs, physical therapists, sometimes they see chiropractors or massage therapists, and their headache is usually get better but will not be gone. This is because medications, cortisone injection, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustment, or massage can usually reduce the inflammation/adhesions of the muscles, but they usually do NOT eliminate them, and so the headache will come back again and again.
How regular acupuncture (traditional acupuncture) helps headache?
The regular acupuncture most acupuncturists practice is based on traditional acupuncture theories, such as Qi (Chi), meridians or channels and acupuncture points. Most people with headache usually respond well to traditional acupuncture, some of them can be cured. But many headaches still can NOT be cured with traditional acupuncture. This is because traditional acupuncture does not address the real the cause of the headache which is the inflammation or/and adhesion of the affected soft tissues. In other words, traditional acupuncture does not target the affected soft tissues and so you can easily miss the sites with problem and so the inflammation or/and adhesion may be eliminated and so headache may still come back.
How Acupuncture practitioners treat headaches differently than other medical practitioners including acupuncturists?
Most of our acupuncturists are specialized in soft tissue injures and disorders. We have developed very unique acupuncture plan/techniques to cure headache based on our long time experience and newest discovery from China.
We use target diagnose which we use our fingers to palpate to identify the injured or disordered soft tissues) and then we use unique acupuncture techniques to target those areas. These target treatments will stimulate body's healing process to reduce and eventually eliminate the inflammation or/and adhesion of the affected soft tissues and to heal those problem areas. Once those problem soft tissues are healed, then the headache can be clinically cured.
We have a very high success rate in curing headache. So if you have a chronic headache, you should schedule a free consultation with us, we will explain to you how we can help to possibly get rid of your headache in more detail.