What is Erectile dysfunction ?
Erectile Dysfunction can refer to a range of disorders. The most common is the “inability to obtain an adequate erection for satisfactory sexual activity.” It can also include the curvature of the penis during erection, prolonged painful erection and premature ejaculation.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can provide a safe natural alternative to helping men with this disorder. The practitioner makes a diagnosis based on Chinese medical theory, and then determines whether acupuncture or herbal medicine or a combination of both would be the best means of treatment. Treatment plans generally range from a minimum of 10 - 20 sessions at once a week.
How can acupuncture help ?
Traditional Chinese medical treatments can be very effective if treatment is pursued early. Both acupuncture and herbal therapy take a holistic approach accounting for mental, physical and environmental aspects. Acupuncture is based on the theory that there are 14 main energy pathways that run from head to toe along the body. A symptom or a disorder occurs when there is an imbalance in flow in these pathways. The insertion of hair fine needles regulates the flow, eliminating the symptom.
Many assume it would be a painful alternative to traditional treatments. Quite the contrary, acupuncture is not used locally to treat this particular disorder. Because the energy pathways run all along your entire body, acupuncture points on the extremities, abdomen and back are used to successfully relieve this problem. The inability to perform sexually can be frustrating for both the individual and his partner. Stop the silence and seek the solutions you need to lead a healthy mental, physical and sexual life.
Erectile Dysfunction can refer to a range of disorders. The most common is the “inability to obtain an adequate erection for satisfactory sexual activity.” It can also include the curvature of the penis during erection, prolonged painful erection and premature ejaculation.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can provide a safe natural alternative to helping men with this disorder. The practitioner makes a diagnosis based on Chinese medical theory, and then determines whether acupuncture or herbal medicine or a combination of both would be the best means of treatment. Treatment plans generally range from a minimum of 10 - 20 sessions at once a week.
How can acupuncture help ?
Traditional Chinese medical treatments can be very effective if treatment is pursued early. Both acupuncture and herbal therapy take a holistic approach accounting for mental, physical and environmental aspects. Acupuncture is based on the theory that there are 14 main energy pathways that run from head to toe along the body. A symptom or a disorder occurs when there is an imbalance in flow in these pathways. The insertion of hair fine needles regulates the flow, eliminating the symptom.
Many assume it would be a painful alternative to traditional treatments. Quite the contrary, acupuncture is not used locally to treat this particular disorder. Because the energy pathways run all along your entire body, acupuncture points on the extremities, abdomen and back are used to successfully relieve this problem. The inability to perform sexually can be frustrating for both the individual and his partner. Stop the silence and seek the solutions you need to lead a healthy mental, physical and sexual life.