How can acupuncture help ?
Over thousands of years effective acupoints for urinary problems have been discovered throughout the body. The expertise of our practitioners is applied in choosing the right points for each patient’s unique condition. Regardless of where acupuncture is applied, you’ll find that it’s a very relaxing experience. The same calming and mood-elevating neurotransmitters, like endorphins and serotonin that are released from your brain during exercise, are secreted during a session of acupuncture. Studies have shown that acupuncture can strengthen the urethra to relieve incontinence and frequent urination. Swelling in the bladder or prostate can be reduced to assist in urgency and voiding problems. With regular acupuncture, especially when in combination with other Chinese medical therapies, your body will begin to heal and restore itself to normal and healthy functions
How can Chinese herbal medicine help ?
Chinese herbal medicine has a long history in treating bladder disorders. There are many herbs traditionally used to help ease discomfort in the urinary system. Poria, pearl barley, and Oriental water plantain are just a few herbs readily used to treat urinary disorders. There is likely no single herb that will cure any and all conditions but rather it is through the synergy of the right herbal combination that will help resolve your condition. Based on your unique symptom presentation, a customized herbal combination will be given to help ease your symptoms and overall condition
Over thousands of years effective acupoints for urinary problems have been discovered throughout the body. The expertise of our practitioners is applied in choosing the right points for each patient’s unique condition. Regardless of where acupuncture is applied, you’ll find that it’s a very relaxing experience. The same calming and mood-elevating neurotransmitters, like endorphins and serotonin that are released from your brain during exercise, are secreted during a session of acupuncture. Studies have shown that acupuncture can strengthen the urethra to relieve incontinence and frequent urination. Swelling in the bladder or prostate can be reduced to assist in urgency and voiding problems. With regular acupuncture, especially when in combination with other Chinese medical therapies, your body will begin to heal and restore itself to normal and healthy functions
How can Chinese herbal medicine help ?
Chinese herbal medicine has a long history in treating bladder disorders. There are many herbs traditionally used to help ease discomfort in the urinary system. Poria, pearl barley, and Oriental water plantain are just a few herbs readily used to treat urinary disorders. There is likely no single herb that will cure any and all conditions but rather it is through the synergy of the right herbal combination that will help resolve your condition. Based on your unique symptom presentation, a customized herbal combination will be given to help ease your symptoms and overall condition